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pH / ORP / Conductivity / TDS / NaCl / Temperature Laboratory Bench Meter

MW180 MAX pH / ORP / Conductivity / TDS / NaCl / Temperature Laboratory Bench Meter

MW180 MAX is a compact and versatile bench meter with a user-friendly interface that can measure six different parameters – pH, ORP, EC, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), percentage of salinity (NaCl%) and temperature – when paired with the respective probe.

pH calibration can be performed in up to 5-point (selectable between 7 standard calibration buffers and two custom buffers), to improve measurement reliability even when testing samples with wide differences in pH. The auto-ranging feature for both EC and TDS measurements automatically sets the most suitable resolution for the tested sample. All measurements can be automatically (ATC) or manually temperature compensated (MTC) with a user-selectable compensation coefficient. The temperature compensation can be disabled if the actual conductivity value is required (No TC). MW180 has GLP data review and the data can be transfered to a PC througha USB port.

A unique device identity code protects against the risks of loss and misuse.